ATC 330 Bioelectronics is a radical evolution of Vincent’s Bioelectronic, and it is an applied science that studies in an objective and reproducible way, electrical parameters of any liquid solutions. Measurements, in particular referred to the parameters that define the acidity ratio, oxidation level and electrical resistance, have close connections with the biology and physiology of living organisms.
If Traditional Medicine is particularly concerned with the study of structural and chemical analysis and biological samples, Bioelectronics target his studies towards specifically electrical, electromagnetic and energetic factors, proposing itself as a tool with different action area from other already known methods, but often complementary to them.
This method of analysis is not widely known and applied in Italy, while in other countries, it is well recognized by public health system and it is considered as a medical technique with a real foundation scientifically approved.
The main application of Vincent’s Bioelectronics aims the determine the health of environment in which human body cells are immersed and live in, in order to assess and correct any imbalances through diet or intake of some useful and effective supplements.
This environment is also known as the “Human Cellular Terrain” , “Extracellular Matrix” or “Connective Tissue”.
To determine the quality of this Cellular Terrain, three main human fluids are analyzed: blood, saliva and urine.
Valuable information about environment quality where live 10 million trillion human cells are obtained considering electromagnetic parameters, highlighting any electrochemical imbalances that could prejudice the cellular health and the entire organism wellness.
These electromagnetic parameters analyzed are:
– Acidity level (pH)
– Oxidation level (rH2)
– Electrical Resistivity (ρ)
on the main body fluids, which are:
– blood
– saliva
– urina
The energetic and functional evaluation of “Cellular Terrain”, is of primary importance because it is the control system for entire body. It is formed by the communication network that allows information exchange of nutrients between cells and surrounding environment.
In the following image it is represented in false colors, a portion of tissue in which cells are highlighted in white, and intercellular spaces in purple. Purple is what we called Terrain or Matrix.
As you can see from the image, intercellular spaces represent a very important area, often greater than the space occupied by cells themselves.
Moreover, since cell membranes are structured in such a way to provide cells with an efficient exchange with external nutrients, and as vessels and nerves always miss direct penetration through cell membranes, it is clear that the quality of extracellular spaces plays a first class role in ensuring a smooth and efficient exchange through the membrane itself.
Therefore, the Cellular Matrix not only plays a purely structural role, but is also guarantees many vital mechanisms, including:
– Cellular biochemistry reactions
– Cellular and intracellular metabolic exchanges
– Immune actions
– Electrical and biochemical signals transmission
– Drainage functions
– Vitamins and minerals supply to nourish cells
– Physiological cells reactions, life cycle and reproductive systems, acid-base balance
Keeping a healthy Terrain allows to:
– Maintain a high cellular energy level
– Facilitate transport processes
– Easy contrast free radicals oxidative damage
– Allow an excellent cellular response against external pollutants and infections
– Make nutrients in organic form available to cells
– Maintain proper molecules polarization
– Maintain proper surface tension on membranes
– Ensure rapid toxins elimination, produced inside the cell
“Le microbe c’est rien, le terrain c’est tout”
Claude Bernard (Physiologist) 1813-1878
Otherwise, a polluted Terrain involves:
– Accumulation of inorganic salts forms
– Excess of free radicals
– Inefficiency of transport processes
– Wrong molecules polarization
– Imbalance of acid-base relations
– DNA damage and appearance of degenerative diseases
– Easy development of pathogens such as microbes and so on
Therefore, main cellular metabolisms, homeostasis processes, cardiovascular risks and cell membranes oxidation depend on extracellular matrix health, which in long term imply circadian cycles imbalances, acid-base imbalance, lack of oxygen and nutrients to cells, as well as a decreased drainage ability for tissues and organs, resulting in a risk of self-intoxication and energy loss.
In homeostasis situation, cells perform all their functions properly. Waste and toxins with which they come in contact (exogenous) or that they produce by themselves (endogenous) are eliminated through lymphatic system and the excretory organs.
If toxins amount is too high and/or removal is not sufficient, a toxin accumulation occurs in connective tissue, in the extracellular spaces and organs, with appearance of a first phase of inflammation and toxic load.
If the body is not able to quickly drain these accumulations, then cells impregnation phase could happens because of the continuous contact with these substances, to finally arrive at a degenerative stage until cancer, as all well-known homotossicology studies confirm.
Consequently it is clear how Terrain health and its fluidity is a fundamental concept in natural medicine, the main pillar of health and disease living beings. Actually the individual condition directly depends from Terrain, such as the vulnerability during an influenza epidemic, which involves some people to get sick more than others.
The main toxins to which humans are constantly exposed are divided into two large categories:
Exogenous toxins . – Chemicals exposure – Air pollutants agents – Food and water additives – Hydrogenated fats, dyes, or preservatives – Cigarette smoking – Heavy metals – High consumption of alcohol – Radiation | Endogenous toxins . – Cellular metabolism – Metabolites due to dehydration and malnutrition – Stress, anxiety, anger, depression – Too heavy physical activity |
The connective tissue, acting like a sponge, is able to temporarily absorb the harmful products and avoid the impregnation phase.
The aim is, however, to prevent these substances to be piled up for a long time and to be deeply absorbed into tissues, affecting cells and causing the problems described for typically polluted Terrain.
Doctor Alfred Pischinger states that:
“All functions are controlled at the level of soft mesenchyme which is distributed continuously throughout the body and is organized in a very complex way.
Its sphere of action is the extracellular fluid
The basic system, or mesenchyme, which makes up 80% of human body, has security, nutrition and control features for all cells in the body and for this reason it is also called Matrix. Matrix represents the connection between the capillary system and parenchymal cells, with links to hormonal system, lymphatic and autonomic nervous system.”
From measurements performed with the ATC 330 device (Cellular Terrain Analysis), 9 values are obtained as previously indicated, and in particular referring to pH, rH2 and ρ for the 3 main body fluids that are blood, saliva and urine.
These values represent the parameters of the biological terrain from which, through the use of sophisticated software, all information referring to the orientation of the health condition of subject analyzed are provided. In other words, these electrochemistry coordinates are the expression of the Cellular Terrain at that analysis time.
Subsequent measurements on the same subject, compared to the theoretical curve of good health with relation to age, will provide a curve of wellness conditions.
This method of analysis, repeatable and comparable, allows to place Vincent’s Bioelectronics in the area of wellness and in particular in complementary and functional pre-clinical medicine.
This is a great field of action, often neglected by doctors, and it is also a valuable tool for measuring the efficacy of therapeutic intervention.